Saturday, August 5, 2017

The Old Goat...

For what are men better than sheep or goats
That nourish a blind life within the brain...
      --Tennyson, The Passing of Arthur


  1. What can I say - short but such a great match for the prompt! It is not a pub name I have seen before. Here in my village we have the Black Bull, The White Swan and the Red Lion.

    1. I didn't have anything else that would match the prompt, so had to improvise...this is a great lunch spot about 20 minutes away from me...

  2. Is that a local watering hole or just one you found online? Another creature not too dissimilar is the White Hart, a mythical stag. Apparently it's the fifth most common name for pubs in the UK.

    1. This is a real pub, Jo...located in Richmond, Maine; the Kennebec River is just down the hill from's quite nice!

  3. Perhaps Billy The Kid was once involved in a shootout there?

  4. Very clever! Are goat cheese burgers on the menu?

    1. I don't know if it's goat cheese, Mike...I'll ask them next time I'm up there! Should be, though...don't you think?

  5. Maine? My first guess was Nevada City, California. That style of architecture that has appeared from coast to coast. It's a lovely old building. Did they keep the same feeling inside?

    1. Pretty much. There are some very old brick buildings along the river there...and a residential section full of beauties as well. Lots of shipping there in 1800s/early 1900s; one of the big commodities was ice!

    2. Ice. Can you imagine making a living with ice? My mom always talked about the ice man coming to the house with the block for the icebox. And stealing chips from the back of the truck. Now people get annoyed when their ice and water dispenser on the front of their fridge is off a wee bit.

    3. The ice trade was HUGE up here in Maine...there was even a town named Iceboro on the Kennebec River--houses, schools, etc.--that was active from, say, Dec/Jan through March...the whole industry collapsed when refrigeration was invented...

  6. I don’t think I’ve ever come across such a named pub in UK. Apparently there’s one in Twickenham. As it’s a perjorative term I’m not entirely surprised!

    1. I wonder if it's used in more of a teasing manner here in the US?


  7. انتشار الحشرات فى البيوت والمنشئات من المشكلات التى تؤرق سكون الكثير من الزبائن الكرام فكل منا يأمل فى المكث فى مقر نقي خالى من اى حشرات لهذا يتطوع الكثيرون فى مكافحة هذه الحشرات باستعمال المبيدات واليرسولات المتغايرة ولكنها فى أكثرية النتائج لا تعطى النتائج المرجوة فهى تكون باعتبار حل مؤقت يدوم لساعات بعدها يرجع الحال لما كان عليه . ولكن للدفاع عن افضل عليكم الاستعانة بمؤسسة ركن العربى مؤسسة مكافحة حشرات بحائل الحل الافضل والامثل فى ميدان مكافحة الحشرات ورش المبيدات
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    شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض بجازان
    شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض بابها
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